Sara Breslin

Sep 20, 20193 min

My Favorite Artist and Why You Need Their Art on Your Walls!

Not only do I love making art, but I also love collecting it! Here is a list of some of my favorite artists that I have up on my walls.

1. Kelly McKernan

I LOVE Kelly's work to bites and pieces. She is one of the reasons I am here today! When I first left college, I was told that watercolor was not a "real form of art" and that I should paint in oil if I wanted any kind of career. Seeing Kelly's beautiful work and outstanding craftsmanship gave me the courage to branch out and explore a new style and medium that was in my heart. I am so much more happier because of it! Give her a follow and buy some of her work! You won't regret it.

2. Sarah Swift

Sarah's work is absolutely break-taking! The color and composition alone is completely engaging. You can get lost looking at one of her pieces. I also love the medium she uses! Be it, Silk, wool, or plastic bags, the way she weaves on her loom is amazing! I love the organic nature of each piece she creates.

(Detail) c ♺ a ♺ n ♺ d ♺ y Recycled cotton, linen, acrylic, polyester, nylon, and plastic. 100% Vegan. Made in PVD. .

3. Glenn Arthur

Glenn is another inspiration to me. His soft depiction of women, flowers, and animals can not be rivaled. If you are a budding artist looking for inspiration, look no further. His imagination is vast and ever changing. I also enjoy his use of watercolor and acrylic paint. Check him out!

4. Jon-Michael Baribault

Like nothing I have seen before, Jon-Mike creates incredible "brain-scapes" full of twists and turns. His work with color and perspective, proves he is a mater at his craft. You can get lost of days in each one of his paintings or screen prints. A local artist, right from Providence, I find it hard to to cheer him on. I currently have two of his prints in my collection and am gunning for an original. If you like trippy, color driven, other-worldly art, this is the guy for you! (I highly recommend his stickers!)

"Object Perspective" 25x36" (Acrylic and ink on paper, mounted to wood)

5. Stef Azevedo

Everything about Stef's work is amazing. What drew me to her work originally was the illustrative quality to everything she does. I can't tell you enough how magical her work is. I also adore the subject matter, between the mystical, the fan art, and the divine, you can not go wrong. Lucky for us, she is also a tattoo artist!! It is a goal of mine, to go to her for a tattoo someday, it will be epic. If you are in Seattle, go find her right now! You will not be disappointed.

6. Kara Munro

Kara is an incredibly accomplished tattoo artist and illustrator! I originally had the pleasure of meeting Kara while I was attending my friend graduation at MECA back in 2015. She was one of the graduating artist and her work was in the senior showcase. Her illustrations stopped me dead in my tracks, I loved them. Fast forward to 2018 - and I found myself in her chair, getting my first tattoo! If you are in New England, I HIGHLY encourage you to check out her work, especially if you are a botany lover.

7. Margret Owen

You all know that I love Margret work, my favorite piece is "Peaches and Cosmos with Tea" and it sits right next to my desk in my studio. Margret's way of capturing light and color is a complete experience. Her impressionistic style always captures me, you can see depth, light and life in just a few strokes of her brush. Just the angle she applies the paint at, creates a whole new space in the work. You can get lost just looking at the color and texture of her work.

8.Karen Murphy

What can I say, Karen's work is wonderful! Very different from the other artist mentions, you can tell I gravitate to a "style". Karen creates these beautiful vast marshes and fields, perfectly capturing the New England landscape. She uses lush colors and smooth brush strokes to create light and space. I adore her work and the emotional reaction I get when I look at it. Getting a large piece for my mantle is a goal of mine!

"Evening Magic" 20x40" Oil on Canvas

There you have it, some of my favorite artists! Please give them a follow, reach out, but their work! I know you will not be disappoint to have them on your walls.

Want ot share your favorites with me? Send them my way! I love discovering new artist.
